
Showing posts from December, 2023

The Supreme Court of Nigeria should be unbundled

Written by Obol Okoi Obono-Obla The Supreme Court of Nigeria ,Court of Appeal, and the National Judicial Council should be federalized and decentralized. You recollect there was a Western Nigeria Court of Appeal headed by Justice Akintola Aguda in the 1960s before military incursion into governance led to its abolishing in 1967.  Let every state have its own Supreme Court and Court of Appeal.  The National Judicial Council should be abolished, and its responsibilities performed by States Judicial Councils. Why not ? 60 something years ago, we had a federalized judiciary. We had the Western Nigeria Court of Appeal. Military rule abolished it and unitarized the judiciary.  Why should assault, libel traffic property inheritance, matrimonial cases etc, go to the Supreme Court? The Supreme Court is not working optimally and efficiently as it should. It is ovrrburdebed and vested with excessive jurisdiction. The Supreme Court should be unbundled and shed of excess load.  I have appeals in th

Increase Paid Maternity Leave for Nursing mothers to Six Months - CS-SUNN

By Ngozi Cyril Dibia Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition in Nigeria (CS-SUNN) held a one day media roundtable on to call for the review of the current Civil Service Rules by increasing paid maternity leave from the current four months to six months. INCREASED INVESTMENT IN NUTRITION TO SCALE UP QUALITY NUTRITION SERVICES IN CROSS RIVER STATE.  The event which held at Dannic Hotel on Tuesday the 5th of December 2023 had in attendance; the Board of Trustee  (BOT) Chairperson of CS-SUNN, Dr Mbang Kufre-Ada; a Consultant with University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, the Special Adviser on Budget, Cross River State; Mr Otu, Ita Otu, the state Coordinator, Mrs Nkem Eying Ubana, Mr Kingsley Eyibio; the Director, Planning, Research and Statistics, State Planning Commission, Cross River State, Dr. Winifred Ifila, State Nutrition Officer (SNO), Cross River State, key Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA), Private and Public Stakeholders and Media representatives across the state. CS-SUNN is