
Showing posts from October, 2023

Letter to My Daughter Imaginary Daughter Yet unborn..As we celebrate 63 Years of Independence

Dear Daughter, I hope this meets you well. How are you doing? How is your friend the one you were in Daycare together and now in Primary 3 sitting on the same school Desk? Yes the one who share same birthday  with Nigerian Independence October 1st. Greetings to her. It is a new year and new season and it new phase the Giant of Africa is celebrating 63 years as an independent country free colonialism. Are we really free when we depend on them for aids as they keep us their vain and farmland. Creating troubles and coming back to solve while making good cash from those Crisis. Nigeria think. Did you know that this  land of your birth is blessed with numerous natural  resources(precious stones, limestone, ) .we grow very essential  Agricultural produce(cocoayam, Cassava, carrot, cabbage, oilpalm, banana, plantain,Okro, vegetables species and more My Dear ma-adiaha did you know that Nigeria supply electricity to nearby countries for little token? Yet those in the country cannot really boost