Letter to My Daughter Imaginary Daughter Yet unborn..As we celebrate 63 Years of Independence

Dear Daughter,

I hope this meets you well. How are you doing? How is your friend the one you were in Daycare together and now in Primary 3 sitting on the same school Desk? Yes the one who share same birthday  with Nigerian Independence October 1st. Greetings to her.

It is a new year and new season and it new phase the Giant of Africa is celebrating 63 years as an independent country free colonialism. Are we really free when we depend on them for aids as they keep us their vain and farmland. Creating troubles and coming back to solve while making good cash from those Crisis. Nigeria think.

Did you know that this  land of your birth is

blessed with numerous natural  resources(precious stones, limestone, ) .we grow very essential 

Agricultural produce(cocoayam, Cassava, carrot, cabbage, oilpalm, banana, plantain,Okro, vegetables species and more

My Dear ma-adiaha did you know that Nigeria supply electricity to nearby countries for little token? Yet those in the country cannot really boost of 8hours power supply while those they supply light have 24hours power supply should light go off the citizens are told ahead of time with reasons well spelt out garnished with apologies. 

Our businesses are struggling and impact is telling on the final consumers and customers. There is high cost of transportation, and high dependency and usage of generator as there is 200%increase on Fuel. Fuel from 213 to 620 naira. No refinery is working. As independent country we still depend on our colonial masters country to refine our own crude oil.

Is this really wisdom?

Did I tell you my Dear that subsidy was removed

4times in the following year 2012, 2019, 2022, 2023.

Can our leaders be true to us.

 Ma Adiaha education is something else, in most public schools children seat on bare floor without desk, Qualified teachers are retiring with no plans to replace the labour force. Few teachers left are over laboured. Imagine a a teacher teaching English from JSS 1-3. With Arm reaching F with each being 35-60 in class.

The old buildings not renovated. Licking roof. 

Workshops and laboratories with old or no apparatus. Technical colleges na a shadow of it old self. No water and sanitation facilities in them(No toilets, no water, no sanitary pads for girls who menstruate)

This is really sad.

Health facilities like high way to the grave you walk in with your legs but roll into the mortuary. Good hands have  Japa due to poor welfare package living very few hands. Roads like Death traps characterize with insecurities, flooding a yearly occurrence with nothing done to help the victims. Homes are lost.

Wait my Dear I believe that if Public office holders utilize government owned facilities from school to health services. The reforms we seek will come.

My Dear Daughter we believe in the Nigerian society that will be inclusive, where there is respect for the rule of law. Where government embrace open government partnership and uphold transparency and accountability.

Nigerian society that jobs are given base on merit and technical know how not on the basis of who you know. A system where laws and policies are implemented not just meant beautify drawers and shelves.

A system were universal basic education is really free as it written in our laws and education policies. A system were Technical education is given the attention it deserves.

Ma Adiaha one Day Nigeria will work. A society free from gender based violence. Insecurities give way for peaceful co-existence, a society where we value human life.

Recreational centres built and fully equipped to boast logical thinking and improve reasoning, a center where youth learn to take calculated risk through games and shun violence. A center were they don't just analyse problems, but think solutions from within.

A Nigeria society at 63 is a ripe age for retirement if Nigeria was human and government employee. Great age to think solutions and life after retirement. 

A system were forest will be protected and our animals preserved for Eco-tourism. A system were crossers will not eliminate forestry workers in cold blood yet nothing done about life lost. A system were one death is as seen just too much. A system were our life matter. All we need is political will of our leaders. Government private partnership. Realistic Implementation  Plan of actions. It requires thinking with citizens not thinking for citizens.

Ma Adiaha that Nigeria is possible. It will happen in our lifetime.

I do  my part from my space as a community development and social worker. You too can do something in your space as child, being patriotic. Remember my Dear for every right there is corresponding responsibility.

Happy Independence Nigeria.

Written by

Ukeme Ekong



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