Implementation of OGP in Cross River State: Guaranteeing People-First Mantra and Season of Sweetness

Written by Comrade Ukeme Ekong

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is an international platform that aims to promote transparency, accountability, and civic participation in government processes. Cross River State of Nigeria has signed up to become a part of this global initiative, which has the potential to bring about positive changes for its citizens. However, for the State to truly benefit from the OGP and guarantee the “citizen-first mantra” and a “season of sweetness,” several key steps need to be taken.

First, an OGP secretariat should be created in the OGP supervising ministry or agency in the state. The OGP secretariat would be responsible for coordinating and implementing OGP initiatives, ensuring that the State is held accountable for its commitments and progress. 

Second, a steering committee should be constituted, with a co-chair from both State and Non-State Actors. This would help to ensure that the OGP is inclusive and responsive to the needs and priorities of all stakeholders.

Third, the State government should support and create an enabling environment for the State steering committee to develop a comprehensive state action plan that outlines specific goals, targets, and timeframes for implementing the OGP. This plan should be developed in consultation with Civil Society Organizations, the private sector, and citizens, ensuring that it is both ambitious and achievable.

Furthermore, the State government should conduct a peer review on the experience of Kaduna State OGP implementation, which has taken the OGP seriously and made significant progress in implementing its commitments. So doing, Cross River State can adopt best practices to maximize the impact of the OGP. By actively engaging with citizens, promoting transparency, and fostering collaboration between government and non-government actors, Cross River State can ensure that the OGP becomes a catalyst for positive change and a “season of sweetness” for its citizens.

Fifth, the Cross River State government should pay close attention and consideration to the holistic implementation of open government reforms. 

The benefits of the state taking the OGP seriously are numerous, some of which are: 

1. improved transparency and accountability;

2. Better decision-making from an informed perspective and people centred;

 3. Increased public trust in government institutions;

4.Bring about visibility of the state activities;

5. Increased funding from international donors and direct foreign investment in the state; and enhanced service delivery.

Furthermore, fostering a culture of civic participation can empower citizens and contribute to the development of a more inclusive and responsive democracy.

In conclusion, for Cross River State to guarantee the “people-first mantra” and enjoy the “season of sweetness” through the implementation of the OGP, it must establish a secretariat for the initiative, constitute a steering committee with co-chairs from both state and non-state actors, develop a comprehensive state action plan, learn from the experiences of other OGP members, such as Kaduna State, and maximize the potential benefits of its participation in the Open Government Partnership. The citizens are fully ready to participate in the governance process and make the state a beacon of hope for all. The time to act is now!

Comrade Ukemeobong Ekong

Development Practitioner/Social Accountability Advocate


Niger Delta Open Government Observatory (NOGO) Cluster Lead

Cross River State Chapter


  1. Well done Comrade Ukeme, I think implementing GOP in CRS will great for the state based on the benefits listed above by you.

  2. As a journalist who took part in the first OGP introduction meeting, it is sad that years after, CRS is yet to key into the OGP in spirit and in letter of the OGP commitments and best practices.
    Thank you for the timely reminder comrade


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